The Inner Kingdom
Volume 1 of the Collected Works of Metropolitan Kallistos Ware
ISBN 978-0-88141-209-3
288 pages
The Inner Kingdom focuses on the themes central to Eastern Christian worship and spiritual life. The opening chapter recounts the author’s journey to Orthodoxy. The next two chapters provide profound and illuminating insights on death, bereavement, and resurrection in Christ, as well as repentance. The following four chapters bring us into the world of the desert ascetics and hesychast monks. Combining scholarly rigor with practical counsels on prayer, Metropolitan Kallistos makes the wealth of the Orthodox tradition accessible to today’s Christians. The next three chapters concern personal vocation, martyrdom, spiritual guidance, and the strange path of the fool for Christ’s sake, followed by a brief essay on time and eternity. The final chapter discusses the legacy of Origen in relation to Saints Gregory of Nyssa, Isaac the Syrian, and Silouan the Athonite, and in conversation with them Metropolitan Kallistos asks, “Dare we hope for the salvation of all?”
METROPOLITAN KALLISTOS WARE (1934–2022) was an English bishop, scholar, and theologian. He is perhaps best known for his books: The Orthodox Church (Penguin), The Orthodox Way (SVS Press), and the English translation of the Philokalia (Faber). From 1966 to 2001, he was Spalding Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies at the University of Oxford, and he was a leading voice in the Orthodox Church, well-known and loved throughout the world, speaking equally to laypeople and specialists, on both timeless mysteries and urgent contemporary concerns.