From 20 centuries of saintly counselors this book offers amazing analyses of, and remedies for, emotional problems erupting out of the passions inherited from Adam and Eve: depression, suicidal impulses, inability to achieve one's own desires, elation and dejection, enslavement by idols, anger, lust, resentment, conflict between conscious and unconscious thoughts, unbelief, and many others. The Rev. Dr. Theo Stylianopoulos, Holy Cross Seminary, writes, "A lot of wisdom here from the timeless treasures of the Church Fathers. Captivating reading." Metropolitan Herman (OCA) writes, "...brilliant - in particular with regard to the passions." Fr. Anthony Coniaris adds, "...filled with powerful patristic insights for the healing of the genetically inherited passions of Adam and Eve." 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". 96 pages.