
Explanation of the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians

Blessed Theophylact
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The Explanation of the New Testament is one of the most famous and beloved Scriptural commentaries among Orthodox Christians, and has been for 900 years. It distills the writings and spiritual wisdom of the fathers of the early church. In it, one hears the single voice of a teacher speaking timelessly to every generation.

This volume contains Blessed Theophylact's commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. Although St. Paul wrote this letter to address the particular issue of circumcision that was troubling the young churches of Galatia, its purpose goes much deeper. A central theme of the Epistle is the question of the essence of the Christian life- is it based on correct practices or on faith? St. Paul explains the purpose of the Judaic law, and the necessity of moving beyond its practice to the new, very different life based on faith in Christ. The depth of the Apostle's care for his flock is evident as he strives to draw them away from the old understanding of sin, into the new knowledge of teh glory and love of Christ.

Blessed Theophylact (ca. 1050-1107) was a Greek archbishop of Ohrid in the kingdom of Bulgaria, and author of The Explanation of the new Testament. Born in Chalcis, Greece, he studied in Constantinople. About 1190 he was elevated to the rank of archbishop and sent to be the head of the autonomous church of Bulgaria. There he wrote his renowned commentary on the New Testament.