Daniel B. Hinshaw, M.D - Author Spotlight

Daniel B. Hinshaw, M.D - Author Spotlight

Posted by SVS Press on 8th Mar 2023

Full Biography

Daniel B. Hinshaw, M.D. is professor emeritus of surgery at the University of Michigan Medical School and consultant in palliative medicine at the University of Michigan Geriatrics Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. He has taught palliative care at  St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Yonkers, New York and to medical professionals and clergy in international settings including Ethiopia, Uganda, Serbia, Romania, and Lebanon. For several years he has served as a visiting professor at Transilvania University, Braşov, Romania and at the St John of Damascus Theological Institute and St George’s University Hospital of the University of Balamand in Lebanon. In addition to more than one hundred articles and chapters published in scientific journals and in volumes of collected works, he is the author of several books: Suffering and the Nature of Healing (2013), Touch and the Healing of the World (2017), Thriving in the Face of Mortality: Kenosis and the Mystery of Life (2023), an historical novel: Neither Bond nor Free (2019), and the forthcoming volume, entitled, Journey to Simplicity: The Life and Wisdom of Archimandrite Roman Braga from SVS Press.

SVS Literary Works

Journey to Simplicity: The Life and Wisdom of Archimandrite Roman Braga

The events of Fr Roman Braga’s life unfolded on three continents in complex and tumultuous times. In Romania, he lived through turbulent historical events, and he suffered for Christ under communist persecution. Later he continued his life and ministry in Brazil, and ended his days in the United States. He was a confessor of the faith and spiritual father of great wisdom and compassion, who shared Christ's love with all who came his way. This text presents the life of Fr Roman Braga, while also exploring the broader historical context in which he lived. Most fundamentally, it reveals the transfigured life of a man who is close to us in time, but who passed far beyond us in his spiritual life, who was not broken but rather transformed by God’s grace, even in the midst of the horrors of torture and imprisonment. He continues to shine as a beacon of God’s love, and a witness to His power to overcome even the greatest of evils.

Touch and the Healing of the World

Touch and the Healing of the World explores one of the most familiar yet profound of human experiences—touch. In a series of reflections that focus upon events in the life of Christ (beautifully portrayed in contemporary icons, in full color plates), author Dr Daniel Hinshaw contemplates the mystery of the incarnation, focusing on the meaning and importance of touch. Drawing on a wide range of sources, from icons, hymns, and the writings of the Fathers of the Church to the most recent findings of modern medicine, Dr Hinshaw invites readers to understand the fuller implications of the saving work of Christ. The Lord entered into every aspect of our life—the tender embrace of mother and child, the humility of a servant as he washed his disciples’ feet, and the horror of torture as he was scourged, beaten, and crucified—so that we might enter into his life—his transfiguration, his resurrection, and the never-ending joy of his kingdom.

Suffering and the Nature of Healing

With increased secularization, the unique perspective of traditional Christianity is largely being lost from health care. This work explores the central relationship between the Incarnation of the Word of God as Jesus Christ and the nature of healing within the understanding of traditional Christianity. This understanding and teaching regarding sin, suffering, and death can have tremendous impact on the care of the sick. This book reviews the relationship of modern health care practice to traditional Christianity and the Church’s understanding of health, disease, and healing, in order to give a better sense of how traditional Christianity can more effectively interface with secular health care. 

The first part of the book explores the human dilemma posed by suffering. The second part examines the nature of the encounter between the suffering person seeking help and the persons offering help. The third and final part addresses the possibility of healing independent of cure, even in the context of death.

List of Other Literary Works



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