This pocket-sized book, originally published in Russian in 1904, is a short but comprehensive work offering guidance to the Christian on how to conduct himself through the course of the day. In a eminently straightforward manner the author describes how to conduct oneself in the morning, in relation to God, in common situations of life, in daily work, during meals, during the afternoon rest, in the evening, before sleep, and during sleeplessness. He concludes with a consideration of prayer and guidance and on how to spend Sundays. A biography of the author, Metropolitan Gregory Postnikov of St. Petersburg (1784-1860), concludes the work.
Metropolitan Gregory Postnikov was a leading bishop of the nineteenth century Russian Orthodox Church. Known for his generosity, he freely gave away all that he earned to those in need. This book was first published in St. Petersburg in 1856, and is one of the many books he authored.