
Emmanuel: The Only Begotten and Firstborn Among Many Brethren

Bishop Athanasius Yevtich
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In Emmanuel, the second anthology of Bishop Athanasius' articles to appear in English, His Grace explores themes of Orthodox Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Gnoseology. How can we know Who God is? How can we know who we are, as human persons created in His image and likeness? How can we become one with Him? Bishop Athanasius examines these and other foundational questions in depth in this volume, drawing from a wealth of Scriptural and patristic sources. In discussing diverse theological subjects, he always returns to his overarching theme: the communion that man can have with God through Jesus Christ the God-man, within Christ's Church and above all in the Holy Eucharist. His exquisite and unique way of engaging the reader in mutual dialogue, with the living Eucharistic experience permeating his every thought, instills in the reader a burning desire for that communion.

Bishop Athanasius (1938-) is an Orthodox theologian well known throughout Europe and North America, who specializes in Church history and patristic teachings. A disciple of Fr. Justin Popovich, he holds a doctorate in Orthodox theology from the University of Athens, is the author of numerous books including Christ- The Alpha and Omega, and has taught at the St. Sergius Theological Academy in Paris and at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Belgrade.

Bishop Athanasius' thoughts combines adherence to the teachings of the Church Fathers with a vibrant faith and a profound experience of Christ in the Church. He is one of the most renowned and respected theologians in the Orthodox Church today.